How it all began

If we are to start from the very beginning, I would have to say that becoming a parent from quite a young age pushed me into a career path that I perhaps would not have gone down but having said that, that particular career path lead me in good stead to now be doing what I am doing today 😀 

All things happen for a reason, I truly believe that!

At the time my main focus was providing for those little people that were solely reliant on me. But do you ever get that feeling that this is not where you want to be? You feel like you don't have a purpose? You are just plodding along, scared of change?

Well that was me!

I had for so long wanted a career change and perhaps work for myself and not line someone else's pockets with my hard graff. Anyone relate?

And so when a conversation arose between myself and my sister (who also may I add was in exactly the same position as me)

💡💡 Light bulb moment 💡💡

We both had a huge obsession for anything home fragrance, especially waxmelts and candles 🕯 and over the years had spent hundreds of 💲💲 on the famous Yankee Candle 

With the fact that we both wanted a career change, we suddenly found ourselves asking the questions

🗨 Shall we have a go at making our own home fragrance?

We brought a few starter items from amazon and eBay and away we went. This is where the passion became real!

We realised quite quickly what we wanted to do and just went for it, selling to family and friends at first.

After receiving amazing feedback by the flick of a switch Victoria Jane Aromas was formed 😀

I'm not going to lie its been hard and scary at times. We have had our ups and downs but we are so happy that we took the plunge and did something for US!

Although we are not quite there yet to quit the day job, this is by far our first goal 😀

One of my favourite quotes is:

" Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do "        Oprah Winfrey 

We will just leave that one with you and quietly leave 😀

Thank you if you have stayed till the end and taken the time to read "HOW IT ALL BEGAN"


Paula and Diane x x x 

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